Marble funeral altar

The monument in question is the funeral altar made of white marble for Quinto Servilio Aprile and his wife, Servilia Ampliata. It comes from Pozzuoli and some comparisons with similar reports, found especially at Ostia, dated to Antonine age (II century a.C.). The altar is crowned by a central pulvino with lateral cushions. On the left is an “urceus”, is present isolated in the center, namely a handled container also utilized in religious cerimonies. On the front appear the portraits of the two deceased in a deep niche: on the left the husband offers his right hand to his spouse and with the other limb embraces her shoulders; the wife appears on the right, facing the spouse. The details of the features and hairstyles (that of the man recalls the iconography typical of emperor Antonino Pio, while that of the woman, dead before the spouse, of a slightly earlier period) date to the time indicated above, when representations of public figures were also adopted in the private sphere. Below the depiction an iscription appears from Quinto Servilio for himself and for his wife: which explains how the momument was made. D(is) M(anibus). Memoriae Serviliae Ampliatae Q(uintus) Servilius Aprilis maritus uxori rarissimae et sibi. D(is) M(anibus).